Monday, January 31, 2011


I found this video on the kids computer tonight. Boy did I need the laugh that this brought.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Disney January 2011

Here are some pictures from our Disney day trip. We went down for Caitlin's performance at Downtown Disney. We didn't go to any of the parks, we just stayed in the Marketplace and went to the Lego store and the Disney store. We had fun, but it was cold and windy. I think it would have been a nice day if the wind wasn't blowing, but it was picking up off the water and had so much moisture in it that it was just bone chilling.

Lego store.

Killing time with the boys.
You can see how cold Caleb felt.

The boys being Jedi and having a light saber duel.

More Jedi fighting.

Caitlin performing.

Ending pose

Action shot.

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Monday, January 17, 2011

Kid Conversation

This is what I overheard between Ostin and Caleb this morning:

Caleb: Look, a spider web.
Ostin: Let the spider bite you and then you can be Spiderman.
Caleb: Yeah, but then I can beat you up.

Don't you just love the way my son's mind works. No thought about any other kind of super powers he would get, just that he'd be able to beat up his brother.