Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I am participating in a contest at Best Kids Apps for a chance to win an Apple iPad. This is a blog about iPhone apps for kids. While I don't have an iPhone or an iPad, some of these apps look so cool that it tempts me. I know my kids would love for a chance to play just one of these apps.

While I don't know if I will win, the ipad would be neat to have and would get a lot of play time in my house. All of my kids love to play games and if it is electronic, all the better. It would come in the handiest on dance nights. These are Thursday night dance classes that Caitlin takes. We are there for two hours on these nights. Do you know what kind of torture this is for my two boys? If we try to stay inside, they just can't sit still or keep their voices down to a low enough volume for other people to hear themselves think. We usually stay in the truck where playing space is very limited, even with the seats put down to create a somewhat flat space to lay down and play on.

This is a really neat contest and the website is nice, too. Go and take a look around. The reviews tell all about the app, how much it is, and provides a link to iTunes where you can buy it. They even tell you how to set up your iPad with one of the first tips being to set up when your kids aren't around!

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